It feels like an uphill battle
I get it! A lot is competing for our time and attention. BUT, we can slow down and teach them. It’s up to us parents to do it. Now is the time to...

Separate yourself to hear God's voice. Unplug from screens & make space for Him in your life.

Take time to honor the Lord and let the Holy Spirit guide you into all truth.

Bring Heaven to earth through the Lord's mighty power at work within you.

I bet you're thinking... Sounds great, but how?
STEP 1: Create a dedicated prayer space for your child.
<<Keep scrollin' to check out the kits that make this easy peasy 🍋 squeezy>>
STEP 2: Consistently spend time in their prayer space.
Easier said than done? No worries, I've got your back! Sign up below, and I'll meet you in your inbox to lead the way and cheer you along!
STEP 3: Watch your kids grow spiritually.
What People are saying
in a time when our kids are being told cultural lies about everything, your ministry takes them to the ONE who cannot lie. It gives them power to go to the source for truth and love and direction.
Mom! I have good news. I woke up and went straight to my prayer space and started praying because I had a nightmare.
It blessed this mamas heart so much this morning. She felt her prayer space was a safe place.